Sunday, December 19, 2010

Personalized Dog Bone Biscuits

dog christmas bones

Here are the personalized dog bone biscuits I made this weekend. In our family our four legged friends ARE part of the family.  With the being said I have 6 dogs I buy for and it can get expensive even if you shop sales.  So I thought I would be creative this Christmas and make dog bone biscuits for each of the dogs.  I have NEVER attempted this before so I wasn't sure if they would turn out but they did.  I also wanted a simple recipe because remember I wanted my doggie friends to have a frugal gift.  I searched and searched and all were calling for all sorts of special ingredients (none of which I wanted to buy).  Then I found this:

Simple Dog Bone Biscuit Recipe

*1 1/2 C beef broth or chicken broth
(I used bouillon cubes since they are cheaper than beef/chicken broth in the can/bottle)
* 2 C Whole Wheat Flour
*3/4 C Peanut Butter
*1 T Baking Powder
* Cookie Sheet

Preheat oven to 350 degress.

Mix the ingredients in a large bowl.  You want the consistency to be similar to cookie dough so add more broth or flour as needed.

Knead the dough and roll it out on a flour cutting board.  You want to have the dough rolled to about a quarter of an inch in thickness. Note: I think I may have cut mine a little thick so I had to increase the cooking time.

Pick your favorite cookie cutters and cut away.  I used a dog bone I already had and a cat cookie cutter I picked up at a garage sale this summer.  And I thought the cat was fitting since most dogs love to try and eat cats.  But I don't condone such behavior from my dogs :) We love cats too.

I didn't show how I made the personalization in the dog biscuits but I got creative and used my William Sonoma message in a cookie cutter set and taped the letters together and used them to stamp each dog's name in one of their biscuits.

Place the biscuits on a greased pan (I used a silpat) and cook for approximately 20 minutes.
Note: I also doubled my recipe to allow for 6 doggie bags. Each dog received 3 dog bones (1 personalized) and 1 cat.
diy dog biscuits

dog bones

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