Thursday, July 12, 2012

4th of July Celebration Food

Here's what I made on the 4th of July this year.  Of course I found it on Pinterest and it was a modification of this one I made earlier in the year.

This is what I made last year.  These were a super big hit with the kiddos. 

How to make:

Vanilla wafers for the buns
Sesame seeds
Sugar water
Vanilla Frosting
Red,Yellow, & Green Food Coloring
Grasshopper Cookies

Get two vanilla wafers.  Insert grasshopper cookie for the meat of the burger.  Tint coconut green in a baggie for your lettuce.  Tint frosting.  Some red (for the ketchup), some yellow (for the cheese).  Add a little cheese and ketchup (your frosting) and then roll in the coconut for the lettuce. Brush some sugar water on the top of the hamburger and sprinkle on your sesame seeds.  Voila.  Your done.  Easy as pie....or easy as hamburgers.

1 comment:

  1. I love your site. I am looking for frugal blog writers to add their 2 cents in my August blog hop. I'd love if you could link up some posts on being frugal or your favorite frugal recipe or ideas. The hop runs through the month of August. I hope to see you there. I'm Sarah at The Ease of Freeze at


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