Friday, May 9, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week ~ Pop

Teacher Appreciation Week! Today was a freebie day.  You are encouraged to bring your teacher anything you want.  Our PTO gives the teacher a survey at the beginning of the year about things they like and this was the first year I've looked at them. I'm glad I did since I was going to send in a Starbuck's gift card. I looked at our teacher's survey and her drink of choice is pop. Diet coke to be exact. So I changed the gift to a pack of diet cokes with a note that states, "I am soda-delighted that you are my teacher." I've seriously been making the gifts the morning of and I really didn't want to recreate this label that originally came from {Tammy Michell Designs}. But it didn't make since to say I'm soda-delighted that you were my teacher since it is for teacher appreciation week and not for the end of school gift. So, off to the computer I went and changed it to say are instead of were.

And it just so happens that I made it the perfect size to fit into the plastic carrying handle:)

Click below to download:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Personalized Apple Post It Note Holder

Teacher Appreciation Week

Here is the post it note holder that I personalized for Payton's teacher for one of the days for Teacher Appreciation Week.  It turned out so cute.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Teacher Apprecation Week: Cup

Teacher Apprecation Week! Today's theme is a handwritten note.  I made this cup and Payton wrote a note and we put it inside. 

Teacher Appreciation Gift Idea for PE Teacher's

Teacher appreciation week is THIS week! I promised last year that I was also going to include the encore teachers but didn't realize I was going to be so busy.  But, I am some how managing to fit it in, usually at 10:00 at night when Payton reminds me:) Here is her present for her PE teacher.  I originally saw this idea here and adapted it for her PE teacher. I also made a download if anyone is interested minus the name.  You can just write that in.

Click below for file download:

I "SKOR" ED PE teacher appreciation tag

Monday, May 5, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week: Sharpies

Teacher Appreciation Week! Today the theme for the gift for the teacher's are markers.  Sharpies is what I had on hand.  I bought these dirt cheap at the beginning of the school to put back just for this occasion. Score for me! I just couldn't possibly send in a plain o'l pack of markers so to the Internet I went, specifically Pinterest.  Here is where I originally found the idea but being who I am I couldn't just leave it alone.  Here is my adaptation. Also, I made a FREE printable for you too minus the name.  You can just write that it in making it even more special.

Click below for download:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dog Birthday Party Ideas!

dog birthday
Ginger, my dog, turned 4! Yes, we have some kind of party every year to celebrate her birth and the turmoil joy she brings into our lives. Is it over the top? Yes. Kind of. But, I've also been helping my friend throw her dog's birthday party which is a month before my dog's birthday and so that allows me to get two parties out of one effort. Poor Ginger didn't get a cake this year it was all about the humans but she did get a toy skunk for her present:)
dog party planning
We had scooby snacks on the top, puppy chow on the next level, and pup corn on the bottom level (which was filled with kettle corn....yummmy!) Toilet water was also served a.k.a. bottled water with water bottle wraps. 
dog birthday party


puppy chow

dog paw stamped napkins
 Hand stamped napkins.  Can't have a party without those!
puppy treat banner

dog birthday planning
And without further ado, the birthday girl herself, Ginger! Isn't she pretty. Poor thing, she's all beauty and no brains. Lol. But we love her and is the best kid dog Happy 4th birthday, Ginger.

Update 2015: I now sell the puppy chow labels as a digital download in my Etsy shop.
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